The Future of Health Promotion in Victoria

Promotion of health and primary prevention remain vital in fostering community health and wellness. The fundamental principles of health promotion, including:

  • community engagement,
  • empowerment, health equity,
  • partnership across intersections, and
  • capacity building

are expected to remain unchanged.

It is evident that the demands on our work will intensify due to external pressures and our own aspirations to enhance our services and provide higher quality offerings to the Southern Metro region of Melbourne. As our region experiences increasing diversity and growth, the expectations and needs for health and wellbeing within our community also expand.

WHISE and our counterparts in women's health primary prevention and health promotion must enhance our ability to deliver impactful services and support to women in our region

In addition to delivering capacity building sessions to health promotion workers, we can collaborate with partner agencies possessing aligned skills and competencies to effect change.

  • Collaborate and co-design in creating community-specific programs and strategies in consultation with those with lived experience.
  • Adopt an intersectional approach to shape our efforts in addressing gender-related determinants of health.
  • Contribute to the advancement of primary prevention evidence by conducting more strategic evaluations to fill gaps in data and evidence within specific settings.